Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Financial "REACTOR" to Financial CREATOR!

Today's Blog is from one of our Current Student Melissa Lundgren

In 2010 I was feeling financially trapped, worn out, hopeless, and like a failure- all because of (my perception) of ‘THE’ economy. My belief was that if ‘THE ‘ economy and ‘THE’ housing market would just get better-then my financial life would immediately improve, hence all the other areas of my life would get better too.

I let my thoughts and beliefs about ‘THE' Economy steal my peace by relying on circumstances outside of myself to determine how I felt inside-
I was being a 'reactor' instead of being a creator... choosing to be a victim of my circumstance instead of changing my circumstances! I am finding that the latter is a much more powerful place to live!

Through experiencing and participating in Catch Fire University’s free Associates Course - I have learned that there is no ‘out there’ and that my relationship and history with money begins inside me- and, that financial peace is first an inside job. This was a huge break through for me. What a relief! This was good news!

The CFU course helped and supported me in a safe environment to look at and walk through my fears, emotions, and behaviors around money- I have been able to shift how I do things now. I can take responsibility for my actions, no more blaming here! I can be accountable for my money. I used to avoid dealing with money and now I am facing it head on with the support of CFU and it's amazing team. I now know that I create my results and this is TRUE in ANY economy.

Thank you CFU for helping me to shift my experience and perception from ‘THE’ economy to ‘MY’ economy. This is a big game changer for me.

And if I can do it- you can too!
So be sure to download the Free E-book Catch Fire-How To Ignite Your Own Economy and register for the FREE online CFU Associates Degree course.

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