Wednesday, October 27, 2010

STEP 3 to Lasting Change; Get EDUCATED!

A quick Review…This is the 3rd part in a 4 part series covering the steps to lasting change. The order is more important than you may realize, so if you haven’t read the first two, be sure to do so!

These steps can also be used in ANY other area of your life!


Now this seems like a pretty common sense step yes? You would be surprised!
Aside from the 12 years we took in school, and any additional we took in college, university or trade school, people can be quite resistant to education. Why you ask?

Because immediately following education…is CHANGE. Once we know something we cannot UN-KNOW it…and if we learn something NEW we have two choices…live in denial and guilt or CHANGE. Those two prospects are not appealing to people (on a sub-conscious level) so they CLING to what they already “know” and their long held beliefs so they can stay the same… comfortably miserable… It is human Nature to resist change; it comes from the most primitive part of our brain.

Remember the brain is NOT in charge of your HAPPINESS your heart is!

Very few people are willing to get Educated in money, the economy, financial matters; even FEWER will actually implement what they did learn if they got that far. And even fewer still will Master what they learn. So there should be no WONDERING WHY “the Rich” only make up 5% of the population. It is FAIR as FAIR can be folks. You cannot complain if you have not gotten Educated, you DEFINITELY cannot complain if you haven’t IMPLEMENTED the Education you HAVE gotten… and if you attempted it…well all I can say is this… MASTERY comes from repeated failure and determination! How many airplane failures do you think it took the Wright Brothers before they got it RIGHT!!!???

The KEY to getting EDUCATED is to IMPLEMENT what you learn!

The SECRET to Lasting Change is to MASTER what you implement!

“If getting rich was EASY…everyone would be rich” T.Harv Eker

Doug and I always say, “If Books worked everyone would be RICH, SKINNY & HAPPY!”
That is why we have created CATCH FIRE UNIVERSITY; an online curriculum to assist people in IMPLEMENTING what they learn. It is based on the Catch Fire book and if you purchase the book today you will receive a FREE gift, the FIRST degree in the University absolutely FREE, it is a $995 VALUE!!

The Associates Degree is about creating the FOUNDATION of Financial Freedom, without this foundation you could achieve wealth or strike it rich, but it won’t last unless you have the basics in place!

So the Million Dollar Question is this… Which type of person are you? Are you going to do what’s hard, so life can be easy…or are you going to cling to what is easy so life remains hard…?

Take the next step!

Monday, October 18, 2010

PART 2 of 4: Step Two: Get MOTIVATED!

In Chapter 9 of our book Catch Fire; How to Ignite Your Own Economy we cover the 4 steps to creating LASTING change in your Financial Life! These steps can apply to ANY goal you have in any part of your life as well!


“Those who restrain Desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained “ -William Blake

As Doug and I were recently sitting on the private patio of our sea villa in Pangkor Laut Resort in Malaysia I said I felt blessed and grateful. He said why?
I didn’t hesitate;
“Most people never get to live the life they dream about.” To that he replied, “There are reasons for that”

…Yes that is true…but my thoughts went to WHY? What are those reasons…? Why is it people don’t live out what is in their heart?

Part 1 of this series covers one of main reasons... If you have read it, you know WHY... people never get Irritated enough to make necessary CHANGES in their lives.
Wealth & Freedom cannot come about without CHANGE, it is impossible.

The OTHER reason that many people do not create the Financial Freedom they want is because they do not let themselves feel the DESIRE of what they want or even allow themselves to enjoy the current luxuries of life. Life is full of amazing moments, places, foods, people and experiences. They also don't create a PLAN to get there.

If you don't know where you are going you will get NOWHERE...

STEP TWO to LASTING change is about GETTING MOTIVATED, the OPPOSITE of step one in that you are harnessing the positive power of your hearts visions, desires and dreams vs. harnessing the power of the Pain of where you are not. It is a FAR more powerful step AFTER you have felt the Pain of the "stick".

Take a moment, grab a pen & paper and answer these questions…

What do you desire?
What do you long for?
Hope for?

If you had 6 figures of ongoing/residual income coming in, what would you have in your life, you currently don’t have?

What would you do, who would you be?

Do you let yourself feel the joy of the possibilities that your life has?

Once you know what you want for your life, now it is time to put it into a tangible and realistic TARGET statement.

In our book Catch Fire: How To Ignite Your Own Economy we have a couple chapters dedicated to helping you create some Targets as well as some real “How To’s and What to do’s” to help you create the FOUNDATION of your Financial Freedom.

Far too much to fit in a Blog!

"The only difference between your dreams and making them a reality is a plan of action and sticking to it".
Melanie Nelson

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

STEP 1 to LASTING Change - Part 1 of 4

In celebration of our book Catch Fire: How to Ignite your Own Economy being finished and delivered I will do a 4 part Blog briefly covering each of the ‘steps to change’ that you find in Chapter 9 of the book.

If you have not yet purchased your own COPY of the book do so now at For a LIMITED time you will get an autographed copy if you buy the SOFT COVER!

Part 1; Irritation: Popping Pills


North America isn’t just addicted to their prescriptions. They take all kinds of other pills you cannot see but rather hear. They sound like…

Excuses, Rationalizations and Justifications.

These are pain pills people take so not to feel the pain or irritation of their current situation. Its how the mind keeps you “comfortable” with where you are at rather then think of and take action towards where you could be.

EXAMPLES of Excuses: "I don’t have enough time, money or support. I am too old, young, fat, stupid, I need a _____ for that and I don’t have it etc… "

EXAMPLES of Rationalizations: "When the kids get older… when my spouse…I am not a ‘morning person’, I could never do that, it’s just not my personality, I’ll start in the fall... it’s just bad timing, etc…"

EXAMPLES of Justifications: "We really do have so much to be grateful for, I am happy where I am at, we are fine, It’s really not that important to me, I guess it’s not meant to be, My life is just so complicated right now, I have so much on my plate, All you need is love etc…"

Any of these sound familiar?? So which of these are your fall back position when things are tough or when you are faced with an opportunity to change your life?

Again the mind uses these to numb the pain of NOT having what it is you truly desire. Your heart has ideas and dreams, and they were put there for a reason. Each one of us has something special to do in this life! You HAD dreams and goals…where are they now? You buried them alive with your pain pills!

The truth is most people live comfortably miserable. They pop these pills all day long in every conversation they have with their friends, family and co-workers to ensure they don’t feel the disappointment, shame, anger or pain of their perceived failure. Since everyone around you is typically doing the same thing it makes it FAR easier to just keep doing it. This creates a RUT many never get out of.

Now I am not saying not to be grateful for what you have, just don’t use it as justification for not living your full purpose.

The more time and money you have the larger the impact you can have in your life and the lives of others. Marianne Williams said it best when she said; “Playing small does not serve you or the world”

The fact is most people will NOT take consistent lasting action towards their goals until they have hit what I call their “bottom line”. Everyone has one, but most never hit it for all the pain pills they are popping, literally and metaphorically.

when is it going to get tough enough for you to say to your self; “This is IT!! I am done living this way!”?

When it does happen, people shift in an instant and their lives will forever be changed. Many people have this after a near death experience. An accident, a heart attack etc… I am thankful that was not my bottom line. My story isn’t that exciting, but it was painful enough for me to make the necessary changes to get out!

Impatient to create your freedom? For a week, a month or whatever you can stand STOP taking the pain pills and actually FEEL the pain of your situation. Allow yourself to get REALLY IRRITATED with your reality! Is it the reality of living paycheck to paycheck? Escalating debt, kids college fund dwindled away to pay bills? A medical emergency sucks you dry, a job loss, not being able to fulfill your hearts desires and dreams? Whatever it is about your current situation you don’t like get to the point where you CANNOT STAND it ANYMORE! Then see what happens!

"When I clearly see where I should be and what I lack, and feel the pain of not being there, I merit the gift of my next level and growth". - Michael Berg

Monday, October 4, 2010

Playgrounds and Playmates

A little exercise for you… grab a piece of paper and pen… go ahead… I will wait!

Now List the 5 people you spend the most TIME with...

Now along side their name put their estimated annual income... Yes you know it, or at least have a fairly good idea…These are the top 5 people you give your time and energy to so don’t pretend you don’t have a REALLY good idea what they make.

Now ADD all of the Incomes together for a Grand Total...

Now divide it by 5. This will give you the AVERAGE...

Take a moment and really do this…I’ll wait…

OK, so what is it?

Does this number look familiar? It should!

Statistics show that your income will be the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with! Surprising? Shouldn't be, it's natural law.

Now if you have burning desire to better your financial situation you may need to look at expanding your playgrounds and playmates. Unless those folks are like minded and looking to broaden their horizons and create Financial freedom as well…then count yourself lucky…however if they are NOT, they may be holding you back unintentionally. There is NO judgment here; it is merely a matter of what is MOST important to you.

So what is most important to you? Staying the same, clinging to what you know and what is comfortable or venturing out to unknown territory and making some new friends. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying dump your friends I am merely saying go and make some NEW ones! Build a new network of people with similar goals or even better, people that have DONE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO! Folks the BEST way to reach your financial goals is to hang out with people who have what you want and ask them what THEY did! Then do the SAME!

Some Sound Advice: It is VITALLY important that you ARE BEING someone that a successful person would WANT to spend time with.

The VAST majority of people that Doug and I know that are INCREDIBLY wealthy are SELF MADE. Now that does not mean they did not have support, mentors or instruction. But their common attitude was; “I am going to do this no matter what. I am going to create my own destiny and nothing will stop me”. This type of attitude and more importantly the corresponding action attracts the right people to you. You won’t need to find them, THEY will find YOU!

Unfortunately the peeps in your current playground like you the way you are because it is familiar but inevitably when you begin to grow and change you WILL hit some resistance from them. Although they mean well, they simply want to “keep you” where you are at. When you truly commit to creating more success in your life you will not have to force building a new playground, it happens almost naturally. If you are reading this blog you have a larger purpose. The world is waiting for you. You have bigger fish to fry, people to help, lives to change and a mark to make!
Get to it!