Our NEWEST Blog comes from one Ed Samulski of Michigan
If you looked up the word “Procrastination” in the dictionary you would see my smiling face.
Yes, I have procrastinated all of my life. I would play small and stay inside my comfort zone, all of my life. I would brake out once in a while but then just before the great gain was in hand, something would “come up” and I would end up quitting. I thought it was fine, I was good where I ended up and I would tell myself ‘it wasn’t meant to be’. So this is how it went all of my life...truth is, I was comfortably miserable.
It’s not like I have never achieved anything at all, among many things I am a successful engineer, but deep down I knew I had fallen short of my FULL potential…and that is an empty feeling.
I started taking personal growth classes about 8 years ago with my girlfriend at the time; who is now my lovely wife. I only started taking the courses because she was, I had no drive to change, I was just supporting her as a good friend and partner. I did learn and take nugget from each course, but would fall back into my comfort zone of just getting by.
Then I bought the book “Catch Fire; How to Ignite your own Economy”. I thought this was a great book. It even had a free on-line program for me to take. Of course I procrastinated to sign up for the first class that was offered...but when I stepped forward and registered; WOW my comfort zone stretched and has not been the same size ever since. I signed up for the Bachelors and am currently in the Masters Program of The Catch Fire University.
I have realized that procrastination is another word and manifestation in my life for fear. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of moving forward. I suppose I always new that but could not or would not admit it to myself.
Now with the help of CFU faculty, class & mentoring I now choose to move past that little voice of fear in my head urging me to quit or procrastinate! I am now choosing to BE the leader I was born to be, spreading my wings and my comfort zone along the way… because change is in the air!
Thanks to Doug, Melanie, Brad and the rest of the faculty at CFU!
Ed Samulski, Macomb, Mi
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Experiencing A Rich Life!
This weeks Blog was written by one of our current Students: Kylee Ferguson Haining
Why do we want to be financially free? Good Question!
One of the most important questions that Catch Fire University asked me to think about and define for myself was NOT just WHY but “What do I really want to experience from Financial Freedom?”
I have had a set of updated written goals since I was eighteen years old. On that list are all the places I wanted to travel, and things I wanted to have. Many of them achieved many yet to come… I have traveled to many places, but it wasn’t until recently that I figured out WHY I wanted to travel... I became clear as to what I was really looking for in the experience.
You see I like to be present and enjoy the beauty of the world and have fun with my family. The Catch Fire University allowed me to get clear on this and many more things on my goal statement.
This last November we were in Disneyland. One day on the Park's grounds, in the early afternoon, I watched several parents yell at their children... at what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth. My guess is they weren’t clear in their mind about why they were there and what they were wanting to experience.
Financial Freedom like Disneyland it is a destination but if you haven’t figured out what you want to experience you can miss it or get there and still find yourself unhappy.
Now that I know that it is the “experience” I am seeking, opportunities present themselves all the time for me to feel FREE. I can walk around the park with my husband on Sunday afternoon. Sit and enjoy the wind in the trees in our back yard. Double park my car on Canada Day and watch the fireworks with my daughter.
This clarity has allowed me to catch myself and get back to enjoying life in the present moment instead of playing “the someday game” with myself. So even on my journey to Financial Freedom I can still experience a more rich and fulfilling life!
Thanks Catch Fire University!
Why do we want to be financially free? Good Question!
One of the most important questions that Catch Fire University asked me to think about and define for myself was NOT just WHY but “What do I really want to experience from Financial Freedom?”
I have had a set of updated written goals since I was eighteen years old. On that list are all the places I wanted to travel, and things I wanted to have. Many of them achieved many yet to come… I have traveled to many places, but it wasn’t until recently that I figured out WHY I wanted to travel... I became clear as to what I was really looking for in the experience.
You see I like to be present and enjoy the beauty of the world and have fun with my family. The Catch Fire University allowed me to get clear on this and many more things on my goal statement.
This last November we were in Disneyland. One day on the Park's grounds, in the early afternoon, I watched several parents yell at their children... at what is supposed to be the happiest place on earth. My guess is they weren’t clear in their mind about why they were there and what they were wanting to experience.
Financial Freedom like Disneyland it is a destination but if you haven’t figured out what you want to experience you can miss it or get there and still find yourself unhappy.
Now that I know that it is the “experience” I am seeking, opportunities present themselves all the time for me to feel FREE. I can walk around the park with my husband on Sunday afternoon. Sit and enjoy the wind in the trees in our back yard. Double park my car on Canada Day and watch the fireworks with my daughter.
This clarity has allowed me to catch myself and get back to enjoying life in the present moment instead of playing “the someday game” with myself. So even on my journey to Financial Freedom I can still experience a more rich and fulfilling life!
Thanks Catch Fire University!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Financial "REACTOR" to Financial CREATOR!
Today's Blog is from one of our Current Student Melissa Lundgren
In 2010 I was feeling financially trapped, worn out, hopeless, and like a failure- all because of (my perception) of ‘THE’ economy. My belief was that if ‘THE ‘ economy and ‘THE’ housing market would just get better-then my financial life would immediately improve, hence all the other areas of my life would get better too.
I let my thoughts and beliefs about ‘THE' Economy steal my peace by relying on circumstances outside of myself to determine how I felt inside-
I was being a 'reactor' instead of being a creator... choosing to be a victim of my circumstance instead of changing my circumstances! I am finding that the latter is a much more powerful place to live!
Through experiencing and participating in Catch Fire University’s free Associates Course - I have learned that there is no ‘out there’ and that my relationship and history with money begins inside me- and, that financial peace is first an inside job. This was a huge break through for me. What a relief! This was good news!
The CFU course helped and supported me in a safe environment to look at and walk through my fears, emotions, and behaviors around money- I have been able to shift how I do things now. I can take responsibility for my actions, no more blaming here! I can be accountable for my money. I used to avoid dealing with money and now I am facing it head on with the support of CFU and it's amazing team. I now know that I create my results and this is TRUE in ANY economy.
Thank you CFU for helping me to shift my experience and perception from ‘THE’ economy to ‘MY’ economy. This is a big game changer for me.
And if I can do it- you can too! So be sure to download the Free E-book Catch Fire-How To Ignite Your Own Economy and register for the FREE online CFU Associates Degree course.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
FEAR of Sucess...really? Why?
Today's Blog comes from one of our current Students, Helen McCormick
Have you ever sat and watched children play on a playground? If you haven’t, next time you have the opportunity, take it! There is so much for us adults to learn from those small tikes.
As I sat in observation the other day at the park, there were children laughing and playing and for the most part the moms and dads were watching. But some were playing on the swings and slide. That would be me.
There were a few exceptions. One parent yelling at a child “DON’T DO. THAT YOUR ARE GOING TO FALL” “ DON’T TOUCH THE DOG IT WILL BITE. “ DON’T DON’T, DON’T…” Then that child falls off the slide, he cries, he is hurt and says “I am NEVER going on that slide again.” All of this is now stores in the child’s mind and a new FEAR sets in.
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
Speaking from my own experience, I think most people have FEAR of something. What I found to be true is it that FEAR is the anticipation of pain from past experience, or rejection. And FEAR can stop us if we let it.
FEAR showed up in many forms for me, from emotional stress to sickness, insecurities, and being shy just to name a few.
Sounds sort of weird doesn’t it… getting sick because of FEAR!? Well for me it was a way to stay SAFE and not take the action. But the real question was safe from what?
Through Catch Fire University I GOT IT! Through this INCREDIBLE program I’ve had a number of BREAKTHROUGHS and a new amazing awareness. I am making changes in my life. And through the support of Catch Fire’s Master Coach Brad Freeman we uncover my FEAR! The fear of Success!
The NEXT question posed to me by Brad is “What is attached to success?”
At the moment I do not have a clue… but by implementing the faculty, team and tools provided through Catch Fire University Pandora’s Box was opened yesterday. WHOOHOO! Oh my gosh! Thank you CFU!
You see previous to my current, wonderful husband I had been married before. My ex was not the supportive type. When we married I was timid, shy and an insecure individual. As I grew and he did not, I became very successful in Corporate America. I earned double his income. This was not acceptable to him and we grew further and further apart, until it was decided a divorce. Through the Divorce I lost what I thought was my life, my identity. Subconsciously, a lot of pain and suffering was attached to my ‘successes; which subconsciously I saw as the root cause to my divorce. I didn’t want another divorce so I have been sabotaging my current efforts for success and financial freedom, what a realization!
I am so blessed to have Melanie, Doug, Brad and Catch Fire University. I can let go and move forward. I would like to share the affirmation I put on my bathroom mirror a few weeks ago.
‘I move beyond old limitations and NOW allow myself to express freely and creatively”
Now the physically healing can and will begin.
Thank you Catch Fire, Doug, Melanie and Brad!
Have you ever sat and watched children play on a playground? If you haven’t, next time you have the opportunity, take it! There is so much for us adults to learn from those small tikes.
As I sat in observation the other day at the park, there were children laughing and playing and for the most part the moms and dads were watching. But some were playing on the swings and slide. That would be me.
There were a few exceptions. One parent yelling at a child “DON’T DO. THAT YOUR ARE GOING TO FALL” “ DON’T TOUCH THE DOG IT WILL BITE. “ DON’T DON’T, DON’T…” Then that child falls off the slide, he cries, he is hurt and says “I am NEVER going on that slide again.” All of this is now stores in the child’s mind and a new FEAR sets in.
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
Speaking from my own experience, I think most people have FEAR of something. What I found to be true is it that FEAR is the anticipation of pain from past experience, or rejection. And FEAR can stop us if we let it.
FEAR showed up in many forms for me, from emotional stress to sickness, insecurities, and being shy just to name a few.
Sounds sort of weird doesn’t it… getting sick because of FEAR!? Well for me it was a way to stay SAFE and not take the action. But the real question was safe from what?
Through Catch Fire University I GOT IT! Through this INCREDIBLE program I’ve had a number of BREAKTHROUGHS and a new amazing awareness. I am making changes in my life. And through the support of Catch Fire’s Master Coach Brad Freeman we uncover my FEAR! The fear of Success!
The NEXT question posed to me by Brad is “What is attached to success?”
At the moment I do not have a clue… but by implementing the faculty, team and tools provided through Catch Fire University Pandora’s Box was opened yesterday. WHOOHOO! Oh my gosh! Thank you CFU!
You see previous to my current, wonderful husband I had been married before. My ex was not the supportive type. When we married I was timid, shy and an insecure individual. As I grew and he did not, I became very successful in Corporate America. I earned double his income. This was not acceptable to him and we grew further and further apart, until it was decided a divorce. Through the Divorce I lost what I thought was my life, my identity. Subconsciously, a lot of pain and suffering was attached to my ‘successes; which subconsciously I saw as the root cause to my divorce. I didn’t want another divorce so I have been sabotaging my current efforts for success and financial freedom, what a realization!
I am so blessed to have Melanie, Doug, Brad and Catch Fire University. I can let go and move forward. I would like to share the affirmation I put on my bathroom mirror a few weeks ago.
‘I move beyond old limitations and NOW allow myself to express freely and creatively”
Now the physically healing can and will begin.
Thank you Catch Fire, Doug, Melanie and Brad!
Super Tired to Super Balanced
Today's Blog comes from one of our current students JANE EUELL!
Doug Nelson’s Catch Fire; How to Ignite Your Own Economy book was priceless! Not only was it was easy to read, but full of practical, useful advice. It made me wonder why we aren’t taught these concepts early in life; it sure would eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering!!!!
While still reading the book, I signed up for Catch Fire University’s Associates class. I didn’t want to waste any more time. My experience was transformational, changing the way I think. I now get more out of my life because I put more into it. I truly see now how “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It’s not just a quote anymore!
I couldn’t imagine passing up the opportunity to learn more through the Bachelors and Masters programs. I learned how I can achieve amazing results when I put my mind to something. And, even more dynamic results are achieved with the synergistic power of a team. In life, I leaned we need to choose our “team” wisely.
One of the most valuable lessons among many that I learned was utilizing my resources! Before Catch Fire University, I would always agree to do everything for everyone and spread myself too thin. This ultimately meant not leaving any time for my own goals. The pressure I put on myself to be Superwoman created a lot of unnecessary struggle in my life! I have since learned to schedule the important as well as the urgent. To think before automatically saying “yes” and that I can call on the abundant resources which are always at my fingertips to help me overcome challenges. It took the CFU experience to point this out and show me a way to break that pattern.
Even Superwoman needs assistance from time to time. What a relief to experience more balance in my life! Now I am using this, as well as many other valuable CFU lessons, to design the life I was born to live.
Thanks Doug, Melanie and the Catch Fire University!
Doug Nelson’s Catch Fire; How to Ignite Your Own Economy book was priceless! Not only was it was easy to read, but full of practical, useful advice. It made me wonder why we aren’t taught these concepts early in life; it sure would eliminate a lot of unnecessary suffering!!!!
While still reading the book, I signed up for Catch Fire University’s Associates class. I didn’t want to waste any more time. My experience was transformational, changing the way I think. I now get more out of my life because I put more into it. I truly see now how “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” It’s not just a quote anymore!
I couldn’t imagine passing up the opportunity to learn more through the Bachelors and Masters programs. I learned how I can achieve amazing results when I put my mind to something. And, even more dynamic results are achieved with the synergistic power of a team. In life, I leaned we need to choose our “team” wisely.
One of the most valuable lessons among many that I learned was utilizing my resources! Before Catch Fire University, I would always agree to do everything for everyone and spread myself too thin. This ultimately meant not leaving any time for my own goals. The pressure I put on myself to be Superwoman created a lot of unnecessary struggle in my life! I have since learned to schedule the important as well as the urgent. To think before automatically saying “yes” and that I can call on the abundant resources which are always at my fingertips to help me overcome challenges. It took the CFU experience to point this out and show me a way to break that pattern.
Even Superwoman needs assistance from time to time. What a relief to experience more balance in my life! Now I am using this, as well as many other valuable CFU lessons, to design the life I was born to live.
Thanks Doug, Melanie and the Catch Fire University!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Seminar Junkie to Super Woman!
Hello Catch Fire Fans!
Great News, some of our Catch Fire University students will be featured here on our Blog to talk about some of the most valuable lessons they have learned in their journey at CFU and how it has moved them forward in life.
We are ALL the same, our stories inspire, so here is our first, enjoy!
Shehana Torcellini; current CFU STUDENT
When it came to money, investments and finances I would put my head in the sand and hope it would all go away. I didn't want to take financial RESPONSIBILITY for my actions or lack of action. My husband wanted me to attend some retirement courses through his work place but I didn't even want to talk about it. The word "budget" wasn't in my vocabulary because I wanted immediate gratification. I liked spending!
When I heard Doug Nelson talk about the book that he was going to write on financial freedom I knew that I wanted to read it. I was finally ready to take financial responsibility. To my shock and amazement, when I read the word "budget" in the book I didn't slam the book closed. In the past I would have never finished reading it but I loved this book; it was REAL. In the book there is a 30 day financial tracking exercise and this process really woke me up to my spending habits and how it was costing me so much more than money.
My husband and I have been taking financial, spiritual and personal development courses for over 36 years and we have spent at least $200,000 in the process. We even refinanced our house so we could attend all of the seminars and courses that we wanted to. In all honesty, I can say that we never took full, whole-hearted ACTION, which is the KEY ingredient to financial freedom. The Catch Fire Associates Degree Program has you work on your "inner world" (your subconscious) and look at why and where you sabotage yourself and quit in life.
I have my own healing business, but I had always HATED SALES & MARKETING, so that ought to tell you how successful I wasn't. I knew I was great at what I did, but what good did that do if I didn't market myself? It wasn't until we took the Catch Fire University Associates Degree Program, that my husband and I started taking some serious action in our lives. I went onto take the Bachelors and the Masters program. I am now doing what I love and that is teaching spiritual awakening, spontaneous healing and creating miracles.
I broke through my fear of sales and marketing because of the processes that I learned through Catch Fire University.
In closing, I was a seminar junky. I know what's it's like to be sitting in a seminar or workshop, wishing and hoping for a better life, all motivated and pumped up, just to go home and drop the ball.
I want to save you your precious time and money! This is IT folks, this is the WAY! I can't be ANY CLEARER. If you're serious about your financial future and you really want a better life, download the FREE E -BOOK AND SIGN UP FOR THE CATCH FIRE ASSOCIATES DEGREE ONLINE PROGRAM.
You can gain financial freedom and you have NOTHING to LOSE but your DEBT.
Great News, some of our Catch Fire University students will be featured here on our Blog to talk about some of the most valuable lessons they have learned in their journey at CFU and how it has moved them forward in life.
We are ALL the same, our stories inspire, so here is our first, enjoy!
Shehana Torcellini; current CFU STUDENT
When it came to money, investments and finances I would put my head in the sand and hope it would all go away. I didn't want to take financial RESPONSIBILITY for my actions or lack of action. My husband wanted me to attend some retirement courses through his work place but I didn't even want to talk about it. The word "budget" wasn't in my vocabulary because I wanted immediate gratification. I liked spending!
When I heard Doug Nelson talk about the book that he was going to write on financial freedom I knew that I wanted to read it. I was finally ready to take financial responsibility. To my shock and amazement, when I read the word "budget" in the book I didn't slam the book closed. In the past I would have never finished reading it but I loved this book; it was REAL. In the book there is a 30 day financial tracking exercise and this process really woke me up to my spending habits and how it was costing me so much more than money.
My husband and I have been taking financial, spiritual and personal development courses for over 36 years and we have spent at least $200,000 in the process. We even refinanced our house so we could attend all of the seminars and courses that we wanted to. In all honesty, I can say that we never took full, whole-hearted ACTION, which is the KEY ingredient to financial freedom. The Catch Fire Associates Degree Program has you work on your "inner world" (your subconscious) and look at why and where you sabotage yourself and quit in life.
I have my own healing business, but I had always HATED SALES & MARKETING, so that ought to tell you how successful I wasn't. I knew I was great at what I did, but what good did that do if I didn't market myself? It wasn't until we took the Catch Fire University Associates Degree Program, that my husband and I started taking some serious action in our lives. I went onto take the Bachelors and the Masters program. I am now doing what I love and that is teaching spiritual awakening, spontaneous healing and creating miracles.
I broke through my fear of sales and marketing because of the processes that I learned through Catch Fire University.
In closing, I was a seminar junky. I know what's it's like to be sitting in a seminar or workshop, wishing and hoping for a better life, all motivated and pumped up, just to go home and drop the ball.
I want to save you your precious time and money! This is IT folks, this is the WAY! I can't be ANY CLEARER. If you're serious about your financial future and you really want a better life, download the FREE E -BOOK AND SIGN UP FOR THE CATCH FIRE ASSOCIATES DEGREE ONLINE PROGRAM.
You can gain financial freedom and you have NOTHING to LOSE but your DEBT.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
STEP 4 to Lasting Change: Get Activated!

Hello Everyone,
Step 4 to LASTING change is the crucial step from taking an idea, a goal or a wish from the INTANGIBLE world into the TANGIBLE world!
The first three steps are all about getting your MIND and attitude ON TRACK so when you do this last step it creates a powerful reaction in the universe and amazing things happen! Many people will struggle and tread water by doing ONLY step 4. Never underestimate the power of doing these steps completely and in the order outlined!
In other words take ACTION!!! This is about IMPLEMENTING the steps necessary or required to REACH your goals and dreams!
You figured out WHAT & WHY you want what you want now it is a matter of GOING AFTER IT! An ACTION Plan is KEY to success! It is why Banks often won’t give out Business Loans without a CLEAR business plan showing the WHAT, the WHY, the WHEN and the HOW.
Don’t forget however that Step 4 is 1 part planning, 4 parts ACTION.
WHAT is the vehicle, the method or plan for your financial freedom? Do you have one?
There are a few things in this world that create financial success, here is a list;
…which one are you taking action in or on and what is your next step?
Some of you may be overwhelmed or have been burnt in the past by going for one of the above. There are A LOT of “opportunities” out there and well sometimes it is difficult to know which ones are a “good” one and which one’s are a “bad” idea…
Here is some good news for you... Let me SAVE you some TIME, MONEY and HURT…
Next week’s Blog we will begin a NEW series;
A series on Doug and I’s PERSONAL Business/Investing Criteria.
If an “opportunity” be it investing, franchising or business, doesn’t FIT all 5 Criteria it doesn’t meet our standards to move forward on! Anytime we have strayed from these criteria we have LOST MONEY! There are 5 Criteria and I will go over 1 each week!
See you soon!
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