Wednesday, October 27, 2010

STEP 3 to Lasting Change; Get EDUCATED!

A quick Review…This is the 3rd part in a 4 part series covering the steps to lasting change. The order is more important than you may realize, so if you haven’t read the first two, be sure to do so!

These steps can also be used in ANY other area of your life!


Now this seems like a pretty common sense step yes? You would be surprised!
Aside from the 12 years we took in school, and any additional we took in college, university or trade school, people can be quite resistant to education. Why you ask?

Because immediately following education…is CHANGE. Once we know something we cannot UN-KNOW it…and if we learn something NEW we have two choices…live in denial and guilt or CHANGE. Those two prospects are not appealing to people (on a sub-conscious level) so they CLING to what they already “know” and their long held beliefs so they can stay the same… comfortably miserable… It is human Nature to resist change; it comes from the most primitive part of our brain.

Remember the brain is NOT in charge of your HAPPINESS your heart is!

Very few people are willing to get Educated in money, the economy, financial matters; even FEWER will actually implement what they did learn if they got that far. And even fewer still will Master what they learn. So there should be no WONDERING WHY “the Rich” only make up 5% of the population. It is FAIR as FAIR can be folks. You cannot complain if you have not gotten Educated, you DEFINITELY cannot complain if you haven’t IMPLEMENTED the Education you HAVE gotten… and if you attempted it…well all I can say is this… MASTERY comes from repeated failure and determination! How many airplane failures do you think it took the Wright Brothers before they got it RIGHT!!!???

The KEY to getting EDUCATED is to IMPLEMENT what you learn!

The SECRET to Lasting Change is to MASTER what you implement!

“If getting rich was EASY…everyone would be rich” T.Harv Eker

Doug and I always say, “If Books worked everyone would be RICH, SKINNY & HAPPY!”
That is why we have created CATCH FIRE UNIVERSITY; an online curriculum to assist people in IMPLEMENTING what they learn. It is based on the Catch Fire book and if you purchase the book today you will receive a FREE gift, the FIRST degree in the University absolutely FREE, it is a $995 VALUE!!

The Associates Degree is about creating the FOUNDATION of Financial Freedom, without this foundation you could achieve wealth or strike it rich, but it won’t last unless you have the basics in place!

So the Million Dollar Question is this… Which type of person are you? Are you going to do what’s hard, so life can be easy…or are you going to cling to what is easy so life remains hard…?

Take the next step!

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