Monday, October 4, 2010

Playgrounds and Playmates

A little exercise for you… grab a piece of paper and pen… go ahead… I will wait!

Now List the 5 people you spend the most TIME with...

Now along side their name put their estimated annual income... Yes you know it, or at least have a fairly good idea…These are the top 5 people you give your time and energy to so don’t pretend you don’t have a REALLY good idea what they make.

Now ADD all of the Incomes together for a Grand Total...

Now divide it by 5. This will give you the AVERAGE...

Take a moment and really do this…I’ll wait…

OK, so what is it?

Does this number look familiar? It should!

Statistics show that your income will be the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with! Surprising? Shouldn't be, it's natural law.

Now if you have burning desire to better your financial situation you may need to look at expanding your playgrounds and playmates. Unless those folks are like minded and looking to broaden their horizons and create Financial freedom as well…then count yourself lucky…however if they are NOT, they may be holding you back unintentionally. There is NO judgment here; it is merely a matter of what is MOST important to you.

So what is most important to you? Staying the same, clinging to what you know and what is comfortable or venturing out to unknown territory and making some new friends. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying dump your friends I am merely saying go and make some NEW ones! Build a new network of people with similar goals or even better, people that have DONE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO! Folks the BEST way to reach your financial goals is to hang out with people who have what you want and ask them what THEY did! Then do the SAME!

Some Sound Advice: It is VITALLY important that you ARE BEING someone that a successful person would WANT to spend time with.

The VAST majority of people that Doug and I know that are INCREDIBLY wealthy are SELF MADE. Now that does not mean they did not have support, mentors or instruction. But their common attitude was; “I am going to do this no matter what. I am going to create my own destiny and nothing will stop me”. This type of attitude and more importantly the corresponding action attracts the right people to you. You won’t need to find them, THEY will find YOU!

Unfortunately the peeps in your current playground like you the way you are because it is familiar but inevitably when you begin to grow and change you WILL hit some resistance from them. Although they mean well, they simply want to “keep you” where you are at. When you truly commit to creating more success in your life you will not have to force building a new playground, it happens almost naturally. If you are reading this blog you have a larger purpose. The world is waiting for you. You have bigger fish to fry, people to help, lives to change and a mark to make!
Get to it!

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