Monday, October 18, 2010

PART 2 of 4: Step Two: Get MOTIVATED!

In Chapter 9 of our book Catch Fire; How to Ignite Your Own Economy we cover the 4 steps to creating LASTING change in your Financial Life! These steps can apply to ANY goal you have in any part of your life as well!


“Those who restrain Desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained “ -William Blake

As Doug and I were recently sitting on the private patio of our sea villa in Pangkor Laut Resort in Malaysia I said I felt blessed and grateful. He said why?
I didn’t hesitate;
“Most people never get to live the life they dream about.” To that he replied, “There are reasons for that”

…Yes that is true…but my thoughts went to WHY? What are those reasons…? Why is it people don’t live out what is in their heart?

Part 1 of this series covers one of main reasons... If you have read it, you know WHY... people never get Irritated enough to make necessary CHANGES in their lives.
Wealth & Freedom cannot come about without CHANGE, it is impossible.

The OTHER reason that many people do not create the Financial Freedom they want is because they do not let themselves feel the DESIRE of what they want or even allow themselves to enjoy the current luxuries of life. Life is full of amazing moments, places, foods, people and experiences. They also don't create a PLAN to get there.

If you don't know where you are going you will get NOWHERE...

STEP TWO to LASTING change is about GETTING MOTIVATED, the OPPOSITE of step one in that you are harnessing the positive power of your hearts visions, desires and dreams vs. harnessing the power of the Pain of where you are not. It is a FAR more powerful step AFTER you have felt the Pain of the "stick".

Take a moment, grab a pen & paper and answer these questions…

What do you desire?
What do you long for?
Hope for?

If you had 6 figures of ongoing/residual income coming in, what would you have in your life, you currently don’t have?

What would you do, who would you be?

Do you let yourself feel the joy of the possibilities that your life has?

Once you know what you want for your life, now it is time to put it into a tangible and realistic TARGET statement.

In our book Catch Fire: How To Ignite Your Own Economy we have a couple chapters dedicated to helping you create some Targets as well as some real “How To’s and What to do’s” to help you create the FOUNDATION of your Financial Freedom.

Far too much to fit in a Blog!

"The only difference between your dreams and making them a reality is a plan of action and sticking to it".
Melanie Nelson

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