Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's NOT ABOUT the Money!!

Many people have negative associations, beliefs and emotions wrapped around money. Today we are going to examine that and how it plays a role in your current financial picture. First I have to thank Mr. T. Harv Eker for these teachings because if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be where I am today!

Hearing statement growing up like: “Rich people are greedy”, “We can’t afford it”, “It is more spiritually acceptable to be poor”, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, is part of the reason many people feel negatively about money.

Did your parents fight over money? Was it bad form to even TALK about money? Was money a form of CONTROL in your household? Was their jealousy and when it came to rich people? All of these can also create negative associations with money.

Did you have a particular experience where money was involved that had an impact on you? Maybe someone stole money from you? Maybe you lost all your money…or whatever the circumstance did it cause you pain?

So why is this important? What you saw, heard and felt growing up about money has an impact on your current & future financial life. Negative beliefs about money can prevent people from making or keeping money. If you are looking to create Financial Freedom, stability and comfort, detaching from those negative beliefs and emotions is key if you want to move forward financially.

Remembering money is simply a tool, helps to put it in perspective. Money simply has replaced the old bartering system of trading your goat for three bags of Flour. It is the current system of giving and getting what you want and need! Taking the negative emotion out of it is essential if you want to move forward.


Ever heard this one….”Money Changes people”…let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR…


It merely brings out more of who they are. So if you are generous and kind, you will be MORE generous and kind. If you are a jerk, you will be more of a jerk.
Money cannot change you and proof of this is Lottery Winners.
Let's be honest here; the majority of folks that buy Lottery Tickets are on a different socio-economic level that those that don’t. Many of them have meager salaries or jobs or none at all and are usually in debt. Beliefs, habits and circumstances have created that. Statistics show that Lottery winners are 5 x more likely to file for Bankruptcy! Why, because they have NOT changed, they still have the same habits and beliefs around money they did when they didn’t have any. If you cannot handle money, you won’t KEEP it let alone GROW it!!

It’s YOU, not the money.

Examine your beliefs, emotions and habits around money before blaming the money for your lack of relationship with it.

It is an inanimate object YOU bring the baggage!

Just like people, money does not like to hang around where it is not respected or wanted. If you have negative emotions or beliefs around money than you will NEVER have more money in your life.

Often people believe the Pursuit of money is impure or wrong. But anyone who has made a lot of money knows it’s NOT about the money, it is what money CAN DO for you; it is a tool to get us what we want out of life. Why is getting what you want out of life wrong? Why is struggle and hardship so appealing to you?

What do you want out of your life? What can permanent ongoing income DO for you? Give you Time!! Time to do what? Spend with Family? Help a worthy cause? Travel the world?

Freedom was my big thing. The freedom to do what I want when I want, but first I had to have the discipline to do the mundane, ordinary and necessary consistently in order to have that freedom. I had to MAKE time to do the things that would eventually land me where I wanted to be.

My worthy cause you ask? Children, Animals, the Planet and YOU.

Yes, YOU!

More specifically helping YOU get where you want to be financially so you can have the time to do the things you were meant to do here on this planet!

This blog is just one of the many ways our Catch Fire U project does this! I hope you are enjoying it but more importantly getting something out of it that you can apply to your life that will create change for you!

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Melanie, for sharing. Well said, well written, how true it is that it is not about the money!! It is about me!! Thanks to T. Harv Eker and people like you and Doug who make this a better world through your constant selfless sharing. Aho! Aho! Aho!!!

    With Love, Light & Abundance,
    John Vincent Chua of Http://
