Wednesday, August 11, 2010

FREE Catch Fire Book winners and the ACTUAL Forward!

CONGRATULATIONS to those who "guessed" correctly on Facebook Last Night you have WON a FREE Catch Fire Book!

We asked if you could guess who the author of our FORWARD was...we gave a couple hints...and these awesome folks either know their Financial Authors well or did a lot of google searching ;-)

Andrea Carbine, Angella Mckinley Trout, Jake Howell, Shelia Smith, Jan Henrikson, Sarah Vondrak, Chad Williams, Patrick Tsang, Veronica Buna, Max Beer, Javid Mursalov, Purdeep Randhawa, Nicholas Cocchiarella, and Brandon Martin!

An Incredible man, with a great story, a lot of expertise and a NY times Best Selling Author of "Killing Sacred Cows"
Garrett B Gunderson

is the Author of our Forward...

Here it is for you to read!

I am sooo reluctant to ever do an endorsement (especially a forward) as it is rare to have people think clearly and have a full premise without contradictions or holes in their philosophy or teachings. It is also essential for me to read anything I support.  Well, I am a bit embarrassed that I have kept this book from you due to the delays on my part because I procrastinated, that is until I was inspired by Doug’s story. 
See, there are people out there that dream of an easy life, if they could only have financial freedom… on the other hand there are those that realize that freedom allows them to give more and have a greater positive impact in the world. This is what happens when money is put in its proper place, behind purpose. What I mean by the previous statement is money becomes as asset rather than a liability. It is only when money isn’t the primary reason or excuse for people doing or not doing something that real power and freedom can come about. This is who Doug is, what he represents and what he will teach you in this book which is why I am honored to write this forward.

If you wake up worried about money or in a financial prison, chapter 7 will be of huge significance for you. It may be hard to hear, but easier to do something about it and deal with the reality. I love that Doug has nailed it when it comes to what really has to happen to get out of (and stay out of) debt. He talks about the root of debt and unless you know this, debt will always be in your life. You will learn not to borrow to consume, to eliminate all things that move you backwards, and only borrow to invest when you have certainty (otherwise it is gambling). Although I have different strategies around debt and debt management, Doug and I agree that most miss the root of what causes debt and that is why it is never resolved. There are plenty of books merely about sacrificing, saving and deferring your life to the future, but Doug is wise in knowing that it isn’t merely about defense, it is about offense as well.

Doug gives great council of living within your means and the great news about you investing in this book is it gives you an opportunity to catch fire and increase your means. You will learn that it is about the investor not just the investment.
Doug has nailed it when it comes to what you can do about the economy. He will not only illustrate the concept that destroys wealth but he dismantles it. If you are chasing net worth, this will revolutionize your life.
Also, before you put another dollar in a bank or an investment, you have to read about the issues surrounding our banks and banking system. Doug articulates how the major problem of protecting our money with our money, and the concept of imaginary money.

Every single American has to see what is shown when it comes to the amount of tax we pay. See this book won’t skirt the issue to make people feel warm and fuzzy, you will learn some things that are very difficult to see, how banking actually works, what inflation is and the possible ramifications…….good news is you learn about the most important economy for YOU.

So how did we get in this mess? Why are there so many numb people? Why don’t more people get it? The secret is in the following pages. This book isn’t just pointing out the problems either (although it shows you behind the curtain); it has a major focus on what to do. It gives you questions to ask of yourself and gives you ways to apply this to your life and discover what you can do. Hell, the Essential Skills section is worth the investment in this book alone.
Oh yeah, huge bonus for anyone in a relationship, Dino Watt gives you the essentials to give you the real riches in life.

So what I can tell you is that everyone has a Soul Purpose, but not everyone is living it. You have one, will you live yours? Read this book and the odds are now in your favor.

Garrett B Gunderson, New York Times Bestselling Author of Killing Sacred Cows


  1. I'm so excited to read, digest, and implement the strategies in this book! -Nick Cocchiarella (

  2. I have his book so I knew who it was. :) I can't wait to get this book and read it!
