Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who are you listening to??

Greetings everyone!

A recent post I saw on Facebook has inspired today's Blog… This recent post reminded me of a rule I live by that has served me VERY well and has been a BIG part of why I have been so successful.

“I do not take advice from those that are not qualified to give it”.

Let me explain…Everyone has opinions, opinions are great and fine and we are all entitled to share our opinions…it’s a free world!

When it comes to advice that will affect my life, I only seek out or listen to advice from those that walk the talk and have experience in their field; a PROVEN track record if you will. I only take health advice from those that are healthier than me; I only take business or marketing advice from those more successful than me. What often surprises me is how LITTLE Doug and I are asked “how did you do it?” How do you get to live the lifestyle you live?”

Maybe I am surprised because I was and am the person who is always asking those questions. When I was beginning my journey to Financial Freedom I purposely went out to educate and get advice from people that had what I wanted.

I remember very clearly the first multi-millionaire I ever met. His name was Roger. Roger was down to earth, sincere and consistent. He became an unknowing mentor of mine. Every week I saw Roger, I loved asking him what he was up to and what he thought of current events, business and investing. I basically studied him. He didn’t know it but Roger helped me more than he can even know.
For several years after I invested my time and money in educating myself in business, marketing and finances. And no, not from Professors at a University with a job earning them a $60-90,000/yr income, but from those who had made millions through business, marketing and financial planning.

Another simple example; when I lived in Dallas I was looking for a local Chiropractor I could start seeing regularly. I found one close by so I booked an appointment. One look at the doctor you could see he was extremely unhealthy. I canceled my appointment and walked out. How can I expect someone to give me health advice that does not follow their own?? To me it is a matter of INTEGRITY!

Unfortunately most people take money advice from their broke family and friends. Most people take life advice from those who are comfortably miserable and most take health advice from the 30 sec commercial about the newest fat burning pill promising amazing results.

SO THE MILLION DOLLAR question is… who are you listening to? Who or what are you following? Who is giving you advice? What type of education are you getting? Is it REALLY heading you in the direction of your goals?

Dougism: “You WILL BE EDUCATED…the question is by whom?”

On the other side of the coin…
If you are looking to create your own financial freedom by pronouncing yourself to be some sort of expert and want to be taken seriously you better have the qualifications to do so. In upcoming Blog I will talk about the ONE crucial thing YOUR NEED in order to do just this successfully.

Personally, qualifications doesn’t necessarily mean a degree or piece of paper to me, I am more concerned in the TANGIBLE results someone has created consistently. The only way to be a genuine success is to first help yourself, change YOUR LIFE, and THEN teach others to do what you have done! There is also the refreshing concept of just being honest and asking people to join you on the JOURNEY to creating your desired results!

Till next time!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


How many of you have heard people say that “you can make millions doing what you love”
”follow your heart and it will all work out”

Sounds great…but Doug and I are contrarians when it comes to this populous belief.
We call BS on this one! We are known for being REALISTS. There are a couple reasons for this and hear us out...

1. For most people doing what they LOVE does not monetize well, Both from a business standpoint and from a spiritual standpoint. Let me explain; often it is best that what you love to do stays an ‘Advocation’ versus a Vocation. Meaning that what we want to GIVE to this world doesn’t often translate into a solid profitable business plan, and to force it to be so just creates struggle. And if it can be a viable business, how many of you have started a business or a job you love and after a few years you begin to dread it then eventually hate it? It happened to me and it sucks! Our philosophy is get the ‘Money thing’ out of the way, go out and create Financial Freedom and THEN go give your gift to the world for FREE because you can now FUND it yourself!

2. The truth is not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. Not everyone has the skills or traits to take a start up idea and end up one day in Forbes magazine. There are only a handful of people in the world that have done this. Oprah, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, JR Ridinger, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates are a few of the few. If this is the case, as it was for me, the BEST thing to do to create your freedom is to tap into and leverage an existing and PROVEN system! No need to re-invent the wheel! You can still be crazy successful if your not the next Steve Jobs.

3. The ways in which to create wealth and freedom aren’t always FUN or give you warm fuzzies! They are just systems; Investing systems, business systems etc… Some of you would go through a two year root canal if it meant you would be Financially Free for the rest of your life….BUT many of you quit at the first bump in the road and say things like…”oh, guess it wasn’t meant to be”, or “it’s not my passion”, “it’s not a fit (anymore)”, “I am going to AB and C instead”.

I used to say these types of things about Real Estate. To me Real Estate was the most boring thing to research let alone there were SO many details to buying and selling a home. It just seemed like I couldn’t get excited about it. What I learned when I finally bought my first positive cash flow property is that I got real excited about the Passive Income coming in each month.

It is in our experience that the journey to Financial Freedom means doing things you perceive NOW to be boring, not your personality type, not your skill set or not your “passion”. I will actually go as far as to guarantee it!

Most are unwilling to do things they find boring, uncomfortable. The list of excuses people use goes on and on. As someone who helps people reach Financial Freedom I have heard the best and worst excuses and stories around why people QUIT their journey towards freedom. Then they go back to doing what they were doing with some sort of twist hoping for new results. My heart goes out to them.

But, this is EXACTLY what we are talking about when we say;
“The world is not separated by ‘HAVES and HAVE NOT’s’ but rather ‘WILL and WILL NOT’s’”...And you have probably heard Doug and I say that before...It is a common theme in what we teach because it is the most fundamental difference between successful people and unsuccessful people.

So no matter what you think you don’t like or is not part of your passion…aka technology, talking to people, internet, sales, real estate, etc… remember this…“Successful people are simply WILLING to do what most choose not to do”

Do what you NEED to do versus what you WANT to do is a practice in discipline! One that will help you achieve your dreams and even make you very wealthy!

So... how about making your PURPOSE doing what you need to do to create your freedom!
Then make your PASSION or MISSION in life as something your can GIVE to the world for free so it stays a choice and something you love!

What do you say?