I am not a big fan of the "community" of Hollywood. Frankly I think the VAST majority of the "Stars" have a negative effect on the trends of our Nation. Body Image, lifestyle choices such as drugs and drinking, etc... Many of them are childlike and have no sense of their responsibility.
ONE STAR however doesn't fit this bill. He is different, you see it in his movies and the message he shares in each interview. And he is one star I would like to meet one day!
The message in this video is what the Team at Catch Fire University attempt to package up everyday.
We wish is was a simple to feed you this pill and you would instantly have the PASSION, COMMITMENT, COURAGE, FOCUS and willingness to MASTER yourselves, your dreams and your life so you could be UNREALISTIC too!
Take the time to WATCH AND LISTEN to this VIDEO...it's WORTH it, so MANY nuggets in here. A message of Gratitude to "themindguru" who put this clip together:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
FOUR PART SERIES: Part 1 - you will encounter critics
I think many people have a misconception that when they actually begin on the road to financial freedom that it will be paved with roses, daisy’s and rows of personal cheerleaders. I know I had that idea when I first started to do things differently. It seems every seminar, book etc…outlines what I was to do and who to be to become free, happy and wealthy but almost none outlined or prepared me for the obstacles I had to overcome.
This blog post will be the first in a Series of FOUR outlining common obstacles you can expect and be mentally prepared for as you work towards your Financial Freedom! Even if you read this four part series you will not be exempt from having to overcome these, it just means you will know they are coming and hopefully they won’t slow you down as much!!
The Beginning!
See if this sounds familiar; when the concept of being a millionaire and being free to do what I wanted when I wanted FIRST entered my mind as a remote possibility for my life I was so excited I was bursting at the seams! I didn’t know HOW I was going to do it, but I just knew I was going to make it happen. I was 19 at the time, but I had just put myself on the road of good things to happen, I could feel it! I was so thrilled with my new plans that I was telling EVERYONE!
# 1 OBSTACLE: People will ‘poo poo’ your dreams
Back to the new utopia that had just been planted as a budding seed in my mind. When I was prancing home on my cloud 9, I stopped into my place of work and told my boss my new plans and he right away stomped all over my precious new dreams. I was stunned for a moment that he was not on the same page as me being as he owned his own business and was striving for the wealth I spoke of, but nonetheless I moved on.
I remember my brother telling me once; “why don’t you get a real job, or go back to school”.
Again great advice if you want to be normal, but counter intuitive to the success I wanted to create.
Most people in my life did not understand my goals or dreams and as for REAL genuine support I had to find that elsewhere. It seems odd that is how it is, but I rarely ever come across people who have unconditional, cheerleader support from their closest family and friends. You are truly blessed if that is what you have! If you don’t, finding that elsewhere is what you MUST do!
Critics don’t just show up at the beginning of your journey, they will pop up, and probably when you are most vulnerable.
Here is the good news...if you DON'T have any critics, it's because you are NOT DOING ANYTHING!! Critics show up when you move outside of your and their comfort zone. Leaders will ALWAYS have the MOST critics, it is a sign you are on the RIGHT path!!
Stay strong, ask for support and forge ahead!
The idea of true wealth and freedom had been planted in my mind and was taking root, I was on my journey. I was open and willing to do what was necessary to get there…maybe a little too open…uh oh…next obstacle…coming soon…
This blog post will be the first in a Series of FOUR outlining common obstacles you can expect and be mentally prepared for as you work towards your Financial Freedom! Even if you read this four part series you will not be exempt from having to overcome these, it just means you will know they are coming and hopefully they won’t slow you down as much!!
The Beginning!
See if this sounds familiar; when the concept of being a millionaire and being free to do what I wanted when I wanted FIRST entered my mind as a remote possibility for my life I was so excited I was bursting at the seams! I didn’t know HOW I was going to do it, but I just knew I was going to make it happen. I was 19 at the time, but I had just put myself on the road of good things to happen, I could feel it! I was so thrilled with my new plans that I was telling EVERYONE!
# 1 OBSTACLE: People will ‘poo poo’ your dreams
Back to the new utopia that had just been planted as a budding seed in my mind. When I was prancing home on my cloud 9, I stopped into my place of work and told my boss my new plans and he right away stomped all over my precious new dreams. I was stunned for a moment that he was not on the same page as me being as he owned his own business and was striving for the wealth I spoke of, but nonetheless I moved on.
I remember my brother telling me once; “why don’t you get a real job, or go back to school”.
Again great advice if you want to be normal, but counter intuitive to the success I wanted to create.
Most people in my life did not understand my goals or dreams and as for REAL genuine support I had to find that elsewhere. It seems odd that is how it is, but I rarely ever come across people who have unconditional, cheerleader support from their closest family and friends. You are truly blessed if that is what you have! If you don’t, finding that elsewhere is what you MUST do!
Critics don’t just show up at the beginning of your journey, they will pop up, and probably when you are most vulnerable.
Here is the good news...if you DON'T have any critics, it's because you are NOT DOING ANYTHING!! Critics show up when you move outside of your and their comfort zone. Leaders will ALWAYS have the MOST critics, it is a sign you are on the RIGHT path!!
Stay strong, ask for support and forge ahead!
The idea of true wealth and freedom had been planted in my mind and was taking root, I was on my journey. I was open and willing to do what was necessary to get there…maybe a little too open…uh oh…next obstacle…coming soon…
Monday, July 19, 2010
How many of you grew up using computers or mobile devices?
I know I sure didn’t! I purchased my first computer as a young adult. It was like learning another language and like a language it is FAR easier to learn when you are a child and far more difficult as an adult.
There are several generations now that HAVE and ARE growing up with the Internet, Computers and MD’s. This is extremely important to your wealth & freedom that you take serious notice of this…do you know why?
Computers and the Internet are BY FAR the LARGEST and most POWERFUL revolution to hit planet earth! They have changed the way we LIVE, SOCIALIZE, COMMUNICATE AND DO BUSINESS. If you look back at history there has not been any other revolution that has changed the PLANET. There are nearly 7 BILLION people on this earth; 6 BILLION of those have access to the Internet!
Are you beginning to catch on?
One of the only ways to create TRUE FINANCIAL FREEDOM is through a systemized BUSINESS! And one of the only ways TODAY to make ten’s, 100’s of thousands to Millions today in Passive Business Income is on the INTERNET!!!
Do you realize the importance of this moment in time? UNDERSTAND THIS; and you can quote me on it:
“The INTERNET revolution has not even BEGUN yet!”
When the children of the last three generations grow up and become buyers and a consumer force THAT is when the Internet Revolution will truly begin. This is not too far off folks. That first generation is graduating from college as we speak.
You are in a window of time that is only a few years short to set yourself up for a life of luxury. In this time I highly suggest setting up an internet business and system that pays you whether you get out of bed, go on vacation or heaven forbid tragedy strikes.
Many of you have a fancy Internet Billboard or brochure but it is not monetized. It is CRUCIAL you do that if you ever want to experience a life of freedom.
Here is a checklist of what to do:
1. Register a Business (LLC or Corp)
2. Get a Merchant Account
3. Decide what your business/services/products will be
4. Create or hire someone to implement a MARKETING Plan
5. Build a site/online store
6. Partner with Affiliates to create leverage!
7. Enjoy the hour a day work week while the money comes in.
There are also online sites you can invest in to make this process easier. Just be sure to do our DUE DILLIGENCE, don’t just invest in the first online business you hear about! Find the BEST! It will be worth your time to research!
Yes this will take time and money (aka Investment)! Hello what doesn’t??? What will cost you WAY more is to sit on your RUMP and do nothing!
This is how Doug and I have created not just Freddom, but WEALTH!
You are at a moment of choice RIGHT NOW! In 5 years you will either have gotten incredibly RICH off the Internet and continue to get richer, because here is what you don’t know…ONCE you do it the FIRST time, it is EASY to duplicate and do it again and again and again!
In 5 years you will either be explaining to OTHERS how you succeeded utilizing the internet revolution or explaining WHY you haven’t! It’s up to you.
Don’t fool yourself, this is not just a trend, it is a revolution! Just like the Industrial Revolution forever changed the face of North America, this has too, but this time it is the WORLD!
It has already begun…are you onboard?!
I know I sure didn’t! I purchased my first computer as a young adult. It was like learning another language and like a language it is FAR easier to learn when you are a child and far more difficult as an adult.
There are several generations now that HAVE and ARE growing up with the Internet, Computers and MD’s. This is extremely important to your wealth & freedom that you take serious notice of this…do you know why?
Computers and the Internet are BY FAR the LARGEST and most POWERFUL revolution to hit planet earth! They have changed the way we LIVE, SOCIALIZE, COMMUNICATE AND DO BUSINESS. If you look back at history there has not been any other revolution that has changed the PLANET. There are nearly 7 BILLION people on this earth; 6 BILLION of those have access to the Internet!
Are you beginning to catch on?
One of the only ways to create TRUE FINANCIAL FREEDOM is through a systemized BUSINESS! And one of the only ways TODAY to make ten’s, 100’s of thousands to Millions today in Passive Business Income is on the INTERNET!!!
Do you realize the importance of this moment in time? UNDERSTAND THIS; and you can quote me on it:
“The INTERNET revolution has not even BEGUN yet!”
When the children of the last three generations grow up and become buyers and a consumer force THAT is when the Internet Revolution will truly begin. This is not too far off folks. That first generation is graduating from college as we speak.
You are in a window of time that is only a few years short to set yourself up for a life of luxury. In this time I highly suggest setting up an internet business and system that pays you whether you get out of bed, go on vacation or heaven forbid tragedy strikes.
Many of you have a fancy Internet Billboard or brochure but it is not monetized. It is CRUCIAL you do that if you ever want to experience a life of freedom.
Here is a checklist of what to do:
1. Register a Business (LLC or Corp)
2. Get a Merchant Account
3. Decide what your business/services/products will be
4. Create or hire someone to implement a MARKETING Plan
5. Build a site/online store
6. Partner with Affiliates to create leverage!
7. Enjoy the hour a day work week while the money comes in.
There are also online sites you can invest in to make this process easier. Just be sure to do our DUE DILLIGENCE, don’t just invest in the first online business you hear about! Find the BEST! It will be worth your time to research!
Yes this will take time and money (aka Investment)! Hello what doesn’t??? What will cost you WAY more is to sit on your RUMP and do nothing!
This is how Doug and I have created not just Freddom, but WEALTH!
You are at a moment of choice RIGHT NOW! In 5 years you will either have gotten incredibly RICH off the Internet and continue to get richer, because here is what you don’t know…ONCE you do it the FIRST time, it is EASY to duplicate and do it again and again and again!
In 5 years you will either be explaining to OTHERS how you succeeded utilizing the internet revolution or explaining WHY you haven’t! It’s up to you.
Don’t fool yourself, this is not just a trend, it is a revolution! Just like the Industrial Revolution forever changed the face of North America, this has too, but this time it is the WORLD!
It has already begun…are you onboard?!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Financial Freedom Number Crunching
Hello avid learners!
Some SHOCKING numbers for you in today’s Blog. Let’s get RIGHT to it, there is literally NO time to waste!
Take your current AGE multiply it by 10,000.
That is what you would need in the BANK or INVESTMENTS TODAY in order to be ON TRACK for an approximate $40,000 a year retirement income. (Investment ROI is approx 5%)
EXAMPLE: Let’s say your 42.
42 multiplied by 10,000 is $420,000.
This # is what is needed in the bank or investments at this moment.
We have a more detailed Retirement Calculator on the home page of our brand new www.catchfireuniversity.com website.
Go check it out right now, this is important! I’ll wait....
If these calculations are not a wake up call I am not sure what is.
One of the BIGGEST obstacles people have when it comes to achieving financial freedom, independence or even just security is their budget, or more LACK of a budget.
We live in an “instant gratification” society. If we want it and cannot actually afford it, we can FINANCE it and pay 2- 5x the amount for it in interest payments! When you read it like that, it sounds crazy, but “they” have advertised it like it is a good, normal and safe thing to do. But it is NOT!!!
Taking on DEBT by financing furniture, appliances, home reno’s, electronics etc… is GAMBLING! Yes, gambling. You are BETTING that you will MAKE more MONEY in the future than you do NOW. Add up all the interest that you pay on these items and you will HAVE to or you will be up “S*&% creek without a paddle”.
The problem lies in the FACT that due to inflation and other elements MOST people will NOT make more than they currently do in the future, they will actually make LESS.
The KEY to true Freedom is TWO FOLD and if you ACTUALLY apply these two principals, it will CHANGE your life.
1. Live below your means (not above it like you are now) This will REQUIRE you to let go of your IMAGE and your ego that is attached to it. For many it will require getting out of debt by budgeting. Those of you not in debt will have a much easier time of this. In our ‘Catch Fire’ book we give you assignments to help you budget properly. In the Catch Fire University you will have access to our own SOFTWARE called the “DEBT-INATOR” to assist you in eliminating the biggest enemy to your freedom; your DEBT.
2. Increase Income (preferably passive income) This can be done through business and investing. Doug and I prefer to do this through Business. We feel it is a more stable, reliable way of creating wealth. Again we go into more detail about this in both our book and University
Doing these two things over a period of time will INEVITABLY create Financial Freedom.
When I was first working towards my FF, I was in my early twenties, on the verge of bankruptcy, so I had to make some humbling changes. I got rid of my apartment downtown and moved in with some very supportive family...
The place you can cut the most FAT from the PIG (your budget) that will have the largest impact is to downsize your biggest bill; your mortgage! Most people are unwilling to do this due to their attachment to their image.
...During the time I was living with family I had a much reduced overhead aloowing me to pay off more debt more quickly. I also worked hard to make more income, the passive kind. This short term sacrifice was essential to me getting out of debt and achieving my first level of freedom. Without doing this I would have had to claim bankruptcy and destroy my credit rating. A choice I was unwilling to make. Now I live a drastically different life. I can live wherever I want, travel when I want and buy what I want without having to worry.
The process of living below your means when you are SOOOO accustom to the freedom stealing Instant Gratification habits will be uncomfortable to say the least. Here is the good news; it is a short term sacrifice. You give up some stuff NOW to have it ALL later. This is called LONG TERM thinking. And if you begin to think this way I promise it will change your life, it did mine!
Some SHOCKING numbers for you in today’s Blog. Let’s get RIGHT to it, there is literally NO time to waste!
Take your current AGE multiply it by 10,000.
That is what you would need in the BANK or INVESTMENTS TODAY in order to be ON TRACK for an approximate $40,000 a year retirement income. (Investment ROI is approx 5%)
EXAMPLE: Let’s say your 42.
42 multiplied by 10,000 is $420,000.
This # is what is needed in the bank or investments at this moment.
We have a more detailed Retirement Calculator on the home page of our brand new www.catchfireuniversity.com website.
Go check it out right now, this is important! I’ll wait....
If these calculations are not a wake up call I am not sure what is.
One of the BIGGEST obstacles people have when it comes to achieving financial freedom, independence or even just security is their budget, or more LACK of a budget.
We live in an “instant gratification” society. If we want it and cannot actually afford it, we can FINANCE it and pay 2- 5x the amount for it in interest payments! When you read it like that, it sounds crazy, but “they” have advertised it like it is a good, normal and safe thing to do. But it is NOT!!!
Taking on DEBT by financing furniture, appliances, home reno’s, electronics etc… is GAMBLING! Yes, gambling. You are BETTING that you will MAKE more MONEY in the future than you do NOW. Add up all the interest that you pay on these items and you will HAVE to or you will be up “S*&% creek without a paddle”.
The problem lies in the FACT that due to inflation and other elements MOST people will NOT make more than they currently do in the future, they will actually make LESS.
The KEY to true Freedom is TWO FOLD and if you ACTUALLY apply these two principals, it will CHANGE your life.
1. Live below your means (not above it like you are now) This will REQUIRE you to let go of your IMAGE and your ego that is attached to it. For many it will require getting out of debt by budgeting. Those of you not in debt will have a much easier time of this. In our ‘Catch Fire’ book we give you assignments to help you budget properly. In the Catch Fire University you will have access to our own SOFTWARE called the “DEBT-INATOR” to assist you in eliminating the biggest enemy to your freedom; your DEBT.
2. Increase Income (preferably passive income) This can be done through business and investing. Doug and I prefer to do this through Business. We feel it is a more stable, reliable way of creating wealth. Again we go into more detail about this in both our book and University
Doing these two things over a period of time will INEVITABLY create Financial Freedom.
When I was first working towards my FF, I was in my early twenties, on the verge of bankruptcy, so I had to make some humbling changes. I got rid of my apartment downtown and moved in with some very supportive family...
The place you can cut the most FAT from the PIG (your budget) that will have the largest impact is to downsize your biggest bill; your mortgage! Most people are unwilling to do this due to their attachment to their image.
...During the time I was living with family I had a much reduced overhead aloowing me to pay off more debt more quickly. I also worked hard to make more income, the passive kind. This short term sacrifice was essential to me getting out of debt and achieving my first level of freedom. Without doing this I would have had to claim bankruptcy and destroy my credit rating. A choice I was unwilling to make. Now I live a drastically different life. I can live wherever I want, travel when I want and buy what I want without having to worry.
The process of living below your means when you are SOOOO accustom to the freedom stealing Instant Gratification habits will be uncomfortable to say the least. Here is the good news; it is a short term sacrifice. You give up some stuff NOW to have it ALL later. This is called LONG TERM thinking. And if you begin to think this way I promise it will change your life, it did mine!
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